A prime time to send a press release and seek media coverage is when your church welcomes a new pastor. This is a great way to garner positive attention during a time of transition. But what do media want to know and how do you write a press release that will get noticed? Here are some things to consider including:

Date of release; name of contact person who can answer questions; contact person’s phone number and email address
• The full name and title of the new pastor (senior pastor, associate pastor, etc.) and when the pastor will begin
• Where the new pastor most recently served (with city and state) and any other relevant experience
• Pastor’s
primary areas of focus—for example, preaching, overseeing a particular ministry, pastoral care, leading Confirmation, etc.
• A bit about the new pastor—years in pastoral ministry, gifts for ministry, perhaps a bit of their call story or something unique about them, family, hobbies/interests, etc.
• Quote from the new pastor about what they are looking forward to in their new appointment and community
Some opportunities to come and meet the new pastor—at a meet and greet, at an upcoming church event, at the pastor’s first worship service, etc.
• Quote from senior pastor or SPRC chair about why the church is excited about this new pastor and what he/she/they will bring to their role
• A bit about the church—its mission/vision, what it’s known for in the community, number of members, worship times and address, etc.

Sample press release: Glendale UMC welcomes new pastor