Whether it is for a new sign you are installing in front of your church building, or the logo on your church website, you should be using only the official Cross and Flame logo, provided by The General Council on Finance and Administration (GCFA).

The Cross and Flame may be used by official United Methodist agencies, including local churches, to identify United Methodist work, programs, and materials.

When official United Methodist agencies and local churches want to use the Cross and Flame on the Internet, there are several protocols to be followed:

1. Please put the registration mark, ®, below the Cross and Flame, preferably to the right of the cross.

2. On your webpage, as close as possible to the Cross and Flame, print the following:

The Cross and Flame is a registered trademark and the use is supervised by the General Council on Finance and Administration of The United Methodist Church. Permission to use the Cross and Flame must be obtained from the General Council on Finance and Administration of The United Methodist Church:

Legal Department
P.O. Box 340029
Nashville, TN 37203-0029
Phone: 615-369-2334
Fax: 866-246-2516

Make sure the dimensions of the Cross and Flame are correct.

Learn more from GCFA about use of the Cross and Flame. Once you know how to legally use the Cross and Flame, you can download the logo files and the “Brand Promise” files. Access the Branding at a Glance handout for a short and handy guide on using the logo.

If you have any other questions or concerns, contact the GCFA Legal Department, P.O. Box 340029, Nashville, TN  37203-0029, Phone: 615-369-2334, Fax: 866-246-2516.


This resource is licensed under the Creative Commons CCBY 2.0 license, meaning you may use and modify for any purpose, provided you attribute the resource to its creator.