How strong is your church’s brand? Where do you excel? Where is improvement needed? We’ve designed a brand audit that will help you explore those questions and design some next steps to improve your brand. Here’s what we recommend:

  • Identify and invite six to 12 members or your church or ministry (aim for some diversity in terms of background, age, life stage, and length of church membership) to participate in a brand audit. We suggest each person watch this Branding for Local Churches video to learn about what effective local church branding looks like before conducting the audit.
  • Send this branding audit to each person, and ask them to fill it out individually as honestly and completely as possible. Then get together in-person or via Zoom to compare your rankings and responses and to identify commonalities. Combine your collective responses into a single document that captures areas of agreement.
  • With your team, brainstorm three to five concrete and realistic next steps to improve your branding, noting in this next steps document when and how you will accomplish them.